This only happens on TV

Hi all,

Something amazing happened to me on Tuesday.
I was on my way to school and after changing platforms I went to catch the metro at Amsterdam WTC station.

Well I was on the top step and there was a women with a big heavy suitcase, you know one of those made by hard plastic or whatever you wonna call it. The suitcases that flight attendant also use. 
Anyways, she was struggling to get down. She was approximately 7 steps below me and somebody ask her if she needed help with the suitcase. After a second or two she politely said "Thanks but no thanks I can handle it". Well not even 3 seconds later she slipped and lost her footing. Imagine somebody in slow-motion losing her footing and slowly she is dropping her suitcase.

Okay, now that you can also see what I was witnessing that morning.
In a movie-like motion the suitcase was sliding down the stairs and off course like a magnet the suitcase slid towards a young woman on the bottom step. I have no idea how she manage to avoid the suitcase, but in a acrobatical move she grabbed the side railing of the stairs and jumped up in the air while keeping her left leg up. Like a baseball player safely sliding at home plate underneath the catcher's glove that's how the suitcase slid underneath this young woman's left leg, barely touching her. Actually it looked more like a shortstop is avoiding a runner from first base sliding into second to break up a double play 
I think you all can get the picture... 
Well like I said before this only happens on TV and in retrospect I should've had my camera ready..
Hmm maybe next time...

Thanks all...
Let me know what you think about this situation, what could've gone differently?

Have VG-morning..


1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Those type of things happen when you need help and are afraid to ask for it.. moral of the story i guess.... don't be afraid to ask for help.