Recommended Books

Here you will find a list of books that I've read myself and I recommend.
I will keep updating this list whenever I get more books to recommend.
Most of these books are focussed on personal development.


Time Management
The 7 habits of Highly effective people

Succes Books
The Law of Succes
The Magic of thinking big
The Succes Principles
The Secret
Twelve Pillars

The psychology of winning

Wealth Building Books
The richest man in Babylon
Think and Grow Rich
The right to be rich
Getting rich your own way
7 strategies for wealth and happiness
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Automatic Millionaire
The One Minute Millionaire

Investment Books
The Intelligent Investor
Warren Buffet ...
How I made $2.000.000 in the Stock Market

Leadership Books
The 360 degree leader
How to win friends and influence people
The art of War
A game plan for life
Diversity: Leaders not labels

Marketing books
Start wih why

The instant negotiator
Getting to Yes

Awaken the Giant within

Power of thought
As a man thinketh