"Een dag niet gelachen = een dag niet geleefd" (A day without laughing is a day not lived)

Hi All,

A lot of people that know me might remember that I love to laugh.
So I devote this blog (and some other blogs in the future) to lighten up your day. Have a laugh from time to time. Some jokes you may not like and other you will. I cannot control that so why try... Just don't get offended. It's just for laughs. Like the slogan I have in my house "If you can't laugh at yourself... At least let me do it". Don't worry either next blogs will have more serious content. I already have great stuff prepared for everyone. But in the meantime enjoy!!!

Well here is the first one. Tired of seeing young people walk with their pants low.. Check the remedy.

 That was just a starter. Check out the next one. Talk about a bad timing, damn.

When your having computer problem don't panic just check this out and it will help. BTW this is for my colleagues at work. 

Hmm this sounds interesting. I knew we could proof that girls are EVIL...

In case you wanted to learn the salsa.. Well don't. Try the merengue instead. here is your assigned instructor.

The new US super secret spy hamster... Cute but deadly...

For people trying to get the message across of what they do for work... copy this guy..

But the most funny site is this one. It is only for intellegent people so it's not my fault if you can't enter.
Click here to check it out. please let me hear your comment if you also managed to get in.

In case of an airplane emergency the judges will be ready.

This is now what I use to remember to turn all my lights off at home :D

Last but not least...Put the letters in the right order to create the correct word.
You dirty dirty mind. The answers are in the bottom right corner upside down.
I know you had at least 1 wrong! You should be ashamed of yourself. 

Well that's all for this blog. I hope you all enjoyed it. More blog posts are on their way.
Feel free to share it to others and also Comments are welcome.

Have a VG-Tuesday

1 opmerking:

Richard Van Der Put zei

That was totally awesome. I just woke up and started my day big a big laughter. Thanks for that!