How to lose belly fat! It works!

Hi All,

I've been checking this out for a couple of months now.
To be honest I looked at it but I didn't do anything with this. Until a couple of weeks ago.
I started paying more attention to his email and decided to check it out.
This program has been endorsed by the larger names on the internet. 
It is pretty amazing the info that he provides.
I'm not gonna  hold you up any longer just click here and you'll find out more.
This dude has been featured on Men's Health Magazine. That's pretty cool. 

I've only been following him for a short while now, but I'm getting results already.
Most of you may know how hard it is to lose your stomach fat.
However most of you may not know that the best and most effective way is to train your body more and train your abs less. If you can't wait to read more just Click Here!

This dude has some great insights in how to train your body most effectively in order to burn fat all over your body. So also the fat on your stomach. Off course to get a six-pack you'll need to train your abs.

Enough of me talking and go check out the website. 

Just an added bonus that you might get. It's just a preview.
Here is a free PDF on ABS from Mike Geary 

Well that's all for today. I hope you all gain something from this post 
and at the same time lose a bit of something else in a short while.

Have a VG-day,

See ya!

PS: Let me know what your results are..

Planning on traveling soon?

Hey All,

I great friend of mine is about to pack his bags and travel to Thailand.
He is gonna do his internship there and some other stuff. (Muay Thai Fighting).
Be sure to follow his journey to Thailand and get great tips on Muay Thai and Thailand itself.

I was checking out the Web and I saw this amazing video about this dude that can pack a small bag with a months worth of clothing. Check it out.

If this dude can put that much into such a small bag I can image what damage the ladies will do when they fill up their suitcases. Geezz... 
Don't wonna be that guy that has to carry the suitcase :'(

Well one thing that this dude doesn't pack are books.
I guess he found out the same thing that I will show you.
Google just keeps getting better and better.


I am keeping a list of books that I've read and or recommend on a different page. Check it out and of you have suggestions on which books I have to include in this list please let me know.(Personal Development)

Smartphones seem to make life easier for the traveler. Check it out!

It still has it's errors, but it will surely improve in the future.
Image being in a foreign country and being able to translate a menu into your native language in order to know exactly what your gonna order. Or being able to read warning signs on the streets. I can't wait for this to get perfected and be ready to use worldwide.

Just in case you decide to travel the World as I wish to do in the future check out these Amazon recommendation mentioned below.  One is travel Accessories to make packing and organizing space in our luggages more effectively. The other is a great book telling the story of our world.

Hope you all enjoyed this post and make sure you check out

I wish you all a VG-Weekend

Everyone could use a smile.

Hey all,

Happy New Year....
Geezz It's been a while I know...
More posts are coming up... It's gonna be Legen......


I know..I know.. I am a big fan of  "How I met your mother" It's awesome.
You should check it out. Anyways back to my post.

I decided that my first post of this year would be about being happy and/or smiling.
If you haven't done this lately. Well you have a sad life. Just kidding.

The miracle of a smile is amazing. You can lighten up someones day.
Yeah, just with a simple smile. Seriously try it. You don't believe me?
well if your not smiling right now check out this video below.
Most likely you will start making some funny noises like.. Awh...

Well I told you so. now look at you face in the mirror. You're smiling :)
You feel better already. 

Well Coca-Cola has been promoting the Happiness Factory.
Fortunately for these student. They came out with this amazing machine.
I wish that every school and workplaces would have one of these.
I had to show you that video. Because even though it's a commercial it would be very cool if we had one like that in the offices or the schools. For sure that you will go to work/school with a bit more joy.

Anyways enough with the nonsense. 
I am trying to make everyone be nicer to each other in 2011. Even for one the.
There is a saying that goes: "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
So if you know somebody that is feeling down for whatever reason. Make her/him smile and give them a compliment. They deserve it. So check out this short movie about validation. No not parking validation. It has a deeper meaning. (The video is not short, but you'll like it)

Well I hope you like today's post and remember to be nice!

Have a VG-weekend

P.S.: Check out my friends blog he got some good stuff.
P.P.S: Look out for my Personal Development blog posts coming up